
  • Pacific Card is issued by and remains the property of THE STORE CARD SDN. BHD. and it reserves the right at any time to alter, vary and / or amend the conditions of operation of the programme, or terminate the programme without prior notice.
  • PACIFIC HYPERMARKET & DEPARTMENT STORE SDN. BHD. reserves the right to cancel and/or withdraw any benefits extended to members should it be discovered that there has been a manipulation in the accumulation of the reward points and / or decline the issuance of or withdraw the Pacific Card membership at anytime or terminate the membership as and when necessary without prior notice. This will, therefore, cause all reward points accumulated in the member's membership account to be considered null and void.
  • PACIFIC HYPERMARKET & DEPARTMENT STORE SDN. BHD. reserves the right to deduct and/or adjust the balance of a member's reward points accumulated and/or refuse the gift voucher redemption or recall the redeemed gift voucher in the event that any reward points suspected of being fraudulently accumulated or erroneously recorded or any reward points related to a transaction which has been cancelled or where a refund has been given.
  • PACIFIC HYPERMARKET & DEPARTMENT STORE SDN. BHD. reserves the right to verify and convert reward points accumulated in the event such rewards points have been wrongly credited in any manner whatsoever.
  • PACIFIC HYPERMARKET & DEPARTMENT STORE SDN. BHD. reserves the right to utilize the database information for marketing purposes.
  • PACIFIC HYPERMARKET & DEPARTMENT STORE SDN. BHD. reserves the right to adjust the reward points tier or requirements / to vary the redemption value of points or rate at any time.
  • The decision of PACIFIC HYPERMARKET & DEPARTMENT STORE SDN. BHD. is final and no correspondences shall be entertained.
  • If there is any difference and / or conflict between the translated text, for all purposes, the English text shall prevail.
  • The information and illustrations contained in this Application Form are subject to change and cannot form part of an offer or contract. All renderings are artist’s impression only. While every reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this Application Form, PACIFIC HYPERMARKET & DEPARTMENT STORE SDN. BHD. cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies.

  • Membership - Classic Member Card

  • Pacific Card is a Loyalty Rewards Programme membership identification card. It is not a credit, charge or discount card.
  • Pacific Card is not transferable and is for the exclusive use of the member.
  • All members of Pacific Card Loyalty Rewards Programme must be aged 18 years and above with a valid identity card or passport.
  • Pacific Card membership is to be renewed annually at a processing fee of RM12 in order to qualify the member for accumulation of points and other benefits.
  • Members are responsible to renew their own membership prior to its expiry at any of Pacific Card Service Counter available nationwide.
  • Each principal member is entitled to apply for one (1) supplementary member at one time, irregardless of the relationship with the supplementary member, aged 18 and above.
  • The supplementary membership will expire in concurrence with the principal membership, irregardless of the application date for the Supplementary Membership.
  • A fee of RM 10 is chargeable for replacement of each lost, stolen and / or damaged card.
  • The renewal of membership can be performed by a representative / agent on behalf of the principal member at any of Pacific Card Service Counter available nationwide.
  • For any minor Pacific Card member (aged below 18 years) renewing their membership must get guardian / parent’s consent.

  • Reward Points Collection Programme

  • For every RM1.00 spent on qualified purchases*, One (1) reward point will be awarded.*Except for purchases from tenants' outlets, Pacific gift vouchers, special promotional items, telephone cards, mobile phone prepaid cards, delivery, repair and service charges.
  • Members must present their membership card to the cashier before every purchase transaction to ensure the purchased amount is recorded and accumulated in the member's membership account. Failure to do so will cause the purchased amount not to be taken into account for point accumulation.
  • Reward points for purchase made by supplementary card member will be awarded to principal member's account for the accumulation of the reward points.
  • Staff and promoters are not allowed to use their membership card during working hours and strictly not on customers' purchases.
  • All valid principal members with sufficient of reward points are eligible for gift or voucher redemption.
  • Members are required to produce their membership card and identity card or passport, where appropriate, upon redemption of reward gifts.
  • Reward points earned are valid for three (3) years from the year the points were accumulated with the condition that Pacific Card is being renewed within a period of three (3) years from the membership expiry date. The expiry date of the Reward Points shall be the last day of the expiry year.
  • Members are advised, whenever possible, to keep all their payment receipts of purchases made in the event of any discrepancy in the points accumulated.
  • Reward points earned are non-transferable, sellable or assignable to other persons.
  • For others terms & conditions of the The Store / Pacific Gift Vouchers, please refer to the terms & conditions stated on the reverse side of the voucher.

  • Master Policy of Personal Accident Insurance

  • Eligibility - All qualified principal cardholders of Pacific Card who are aged 18 to 70 years, Malaysians and Permanent Resident in Malaysia.
  • The Personal Accident Insurance is granted to the eligible cardholder of Pacific Card from the first date of issuance of Pacific Card for a stipulated period of 12 months only (Hereinafter called "the period of cover").
  • Twenty-four (24) hours coverage worldwide up to a sum insured of RM10,000 for Death and Permanent Disablement benefits caused by accident during the period of cover.
  • The amount compensated shall be reduced by 50% of the sum insured in the event of any accident arising out of motorcycling and whilst riding or being a pillion rider on any two wheel vehicle.
  • Notification of any accident which may give rise to a claim for the Death and Permanent Disablement Benefits must be made to PACIFIC HYPERMARKET & DEPARTMENT STORE SDN. BHD. within 14 days from the time of accident.
  • Each member of Pacific Card is entitled to a one-time benefit and highest benefit only, irrespective of total number of membership cards held.

  • General Limitations and Exclusions

  • Self-destruction or intentional self-inflicted injuries or any attempted self-destruction while sane or insane.
  • War, declared or undeclared, civil war, revolution or any warlike operations.
  • Consequent upon an Insured Person engaging in air travel (except as a fare paying passenger in any properly licensed private and / or commercial aircraft); engaging in or taking part in Police, Naval, Military or Air Force service or operations, or participating in operations of an offensive nature planned or conducted by the Civil or Military Authorities against bandits, terrorists or other elements.
  • Any violation or attempt of violation of law or resistance to arrest.
  • Treatment of alcoholism, or drug abuse or any other complications arising therefrom or any drug Accident.
  • Pregnancy, miscarriage or childbirth, or any treatment relating to birth control or treatment pertaining to infertility or any other complication arising therefrom.
  • Psychosis, mental or nervous disorder or sleep disturbance disorder.
  • Cosmetic or plastic surgery or any elective surgery.
  • Any form of dental care or surgery unless necessitated by injury caused by an accident to sound and natural teeth.
  • Any congenital defect which has manifested or was diagnosed before the policy effective date.
  • Routine health check, any investigation(s) not directly related to admission diagnosis , illness or injury, or any treatment or investigation which is not medically necessary, or convalescence, custodial or rest care.
  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any complications associated with infection by any Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) (for the purpose of this policy, the definition of AIDS shall be that used by the World Health Organization in 1987, or any subsequent revision by the World Health Organization of that definition; infection shall be deemed to have occurred where blood or other relevant test(s) indicate in the opinion of the company either the presence of any Human Immune Deficiency Virus or Antibodies to such virus).
  • Any injury sustained while serving as a crew member of any aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger in any aircraft having a current and valid air worthiness certificate issued by the appropriate authority of the country of its registry.
  • Driving or riding in any kind of race involving motorized vehicles.
  • Engaging, practicing or participating in a sport in a professional capacity or when an Insured Person would or could earn income or remuneration from engaging in such sport.
  • Any pre-existing physical or mental defect or infirmity before the policy effective date.
  • The Company will not pay under any section of this policy where such payment would violate government prohibition or regulation.

    166. (1) A nomination by a policy owner, other than a Muslim policy owner, shall create a trust in favour of the nominee ofthe policy moneys payable upon the death of the policy owner, if --

    (a) the nominee is his spouse or child; or

    (b) where there is no spouse or child living at the time of nomination, the nomineeis his parent.

    (2) The policy owner, by the policy, or by a notice, in writing to the licensed insurer, may appoint trustees of the policy moneys and where there is no trustee --

    (a) the nominee who is competent to contract; or

    (b) where the nominee is incompetent to contract, the parent of the incompetentnominee and where there is no surviving parent, the Public Trustee, shall be

    the trustee of the policy moneys and the receipt of a trustee shall be

    adischarge to the licensed insurer for all liability in respect of the policy moneys
    167. (1) A nominee, other than a nominee under subsection 166 (1), shall receive the policy moneys payable nominee on the death of the policy owner as an executor and notunder solely as a beneficiary and any payment to the nominee shall form part of the estate of the deceased policy owner and be subject to his debts and the licensedinsurer shall be discharged from liability in respect of the policy moneys paid.

    (2) Subsection (1) applies to a nominee of a Muslim policy owner who, on receipt of the policy moneys, shall distribute the policy moneys in accordance with Islamic law.